#DoNotPardonDatNog: Mr. President, Do Not Pardon the Nigger Jack Johnson

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 22, 2018

Oh my God, this is fucking retarded.

Fox News:

President Trump Saturday said that he is considering a “full pardon” for boxing’s first black heavyweight champion, Jack Johnson, after being urged to do so by “Rocky” actor Sylvester Stallone.

Trump said that Stallone had called him and told him about Johnson, and that he is now considering a posthumous pardon. Stallone is a Trump supporter and attended his New Years’ Eve Party in 2016, according to The Associated Press.

Johnson, born in Galveston, Texas, was the target of racial resentment, particularly after he defeated white boxer James Jeffries in the 1910 “Fight of the Century,” a bout that sparked race riots. Three years later he was convicted by an all-white jury of violating the Mann Act, which made it illegal to transport a woman across state lines for “immoral” purposes.

In their efforts to prosecute Johnson, authorities first targeted Johnson’s relationship with the woman in question, Lucille Cameron, who later became his wife, but she refused to cooperate.

But they found another white witness, Belle Schreiber, to testify against him. Johnson fled the country after his conviction, but he agreed years later to return and serve a 10-month jail sentence. He died in 1946.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., has been calling for a pardon for Johnson since 2004, and criticized President Obama for leaving office in 2017 without having granted one. Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., had also called for a pardon.

“Johnson’s imprisonment forced him into the shadows of bigotry and prejudice, and continues to stand as a shameful stain on our nation’s history,” McCain said in a statement in January 2017.

Yes, of course this nigger is a cause of John McCain.

No idea why Sylvester Stallone is involved in this idiot situation.

But whatever.

Going back and making the criminal nigger Johnson a hero is a deranged kike cause, and Trump doing this is basically as bad or worse than starting a nuclear war with Russia.

As far as “beating” Jim Jeffries in the “fight of the century” – this was nonsense. Basically the same deal as Mayweather “beating” McGregor.

Jeffries was thirty-five, had been retired and working on an alfalfa farm for 7 years, and had to lose over 100 pounds just to qualify for the fight. He only did it because he – like McGregor – was offered an insane sum of money. Despite the fact that Jeffries was supposed to be proving the superiority of the white race in that particular fight, saying “I am going into this fight for the sole purpose of proving that a white man is better than a negro,” I don’t think he ever thought the could win.

The whole thing was provoked by the media and fight promoters. I’m not going to look it up, but I’m going to go ahead and assume it was a bunch of kikes.

Whatever – Johnson was hyped up and wasn’t actually that good.

More importantly to this situation, he was a totally criminal nigger, snatching up white women against the will of their parents and getting away with it because he was rich.

He was a typical piece of shit nigger.


After returning from Australia, Johnson began traveling with white women exclusively, saying that “the heartaches which Mary Austin and Clara Kerr caused me led me to forswear colored women and to determine that my lot henceforth would be cast only with white women.”

Johnson she met Etta Terry Duryea, a Brooklyn socialite and former wife of Clarence Duryea, at a car race in 1909. Their romantic involvement was very turbulent. In 1910, Johnson hired a private investigator to follow Duryea after suspecting she was having an affair with his chauffeur, Gaston Le Fort. On Christmas day, Johnson confronted Duryea and beat her so badly she was hospitalized. They reconciled and were married in January 1911. Prone to depression, Johnson’s abuse and infidelity caused her condition to worsen, she committed suicide in September 1912, shooting herself with a revolver.

Less than three months later, on December 4, 1912, Johnson married Lucille Cameron. After Johnson married Cameron, two ministers in the South recommended that Johnson be lynched. Cameron divorced him in 1924 because of infidelity.

The next year, Johnson married Irene Pineau. When asked by a reporter at Johnson’s funeral what she had loved about him, she replied, “I loved him because of his courage. He faced the world unafraid. There wasn’t anybody or anything he feared.”

No, she “loved him” because he was a nigger, and she was a white woman who loved to transgress the norms of the civilization simply to spite and humiliate the men who built it.

What she actually loved was humiliating white men, not the monkey itself.

On October 18, 1912, Johnson was arrested on the grounds that his relationship with Lucille Cameron violated the Mann Act against “transporting women across state lines for immoral purposes” due to her being an alleged prostitute. Her mother also swore formally that her daughter was insane. Cameron, soon to become his second wife, refused to cooperate and the case fell apart. Less than a month later, Johnson was arrested again on similar charges. This time, the woman, another alleged prostitute named Belle Schreiber, with whom he had been involved in 1909 and 1910, testified against him. In the courtroom of Kenesaw Mountain Landis, the future Commissioner of Baseball who perpetuated the baseball color line until his death, Johnson was convicted by an all-white jury in June 1913, despite the fact that the incidents used to convict him took place before passage of the Mann Act. He was sentenced to a year and a day in prison.

Johnson skipped bail and left the country, joining Lucille in Montreal on June 25, before fleeing to France. In order to flee to Canada to skip his bail, Johnson posed as a member of a black baseball team. For the next seven years, they lived in exile in Europe, South America and Mexico. Johnson returned to the U.S. on July 20, 1920. He surrendered to federal agents at the Mexican border and was sent to the United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth to serve his sentence September 1920 as Inmate #15461.

So, reading this story – do you believe this nigger deserves a pardon?

I believe John McCain believes it, because John McCain is an anti-American traitor.

But why would Donald Trump even get involved in something like this?

Not even Obama would touch this, because this nigger was so despicable no one wanted to bring him up.

This is the first normalization of nigger buck on white female in American history.

It’s disgusting.

If Trump wants to post-humorously pardon someone, he should pardon James Earl Ray – a man who literally did nothing wrong, and was put in prison against his will for no reason.