Don’t Forget the White Girl Stabbed by Savage Black Bitch Over the White Girl’s Keys

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 7, 2018

Z’inah Brown.

We at Daily Stormer have already reported on this, but this story is both an update on the case and a reminder for why we need to get these disgusting apes out of our country.

Until then, try and home-school your kids and certainly do not allow them near Blacks.

New York Post:

In the final moments of her life, 16-year-old Valaree Schwab was just trying to get back her house keys.

The New Rochelle High School junior had slipped out for lunch at around noon on Jan. 10 despite a policy against leaving campus at the award-winning school.

She was soon knocked to the ground and robbed at a nearby McDonald’s by a gang of school bullies. Then her teenage tormentors — who harassed her on a daily basis about her tattoos, love for the band Nirvana and affinity for social activism — proceeded to stalk her for the next hour.

They followed her into a Subway sandwich shop and then a Dunkin’ Donuts — where she would spend her last conscious seconds gasping for air, clutching the hand of a young cashier as blood poured from two stab wounds to her heart and lungs.

“She didn’t even know she was stabbed,” the worker recalled to The Post.

“She was screaming, saying that somebody stole her keys . . . The next thing you know, you see a commotion, and then everybody’s gone, and then [she was] just standing by herself, bleeding.”

Police say 16-year-old New Rochelle student Z’Inah Brown was among Valaree’s five or six tormentors that violent day — and allegedly killed the teen with a steak knife after she dared to fight back with pepper spray.

Valaree Schwab.