Don’t Give This Lying Negro Your Money, My Racist Friends

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 19, 2016


A Negro has created a GoFundMe page claiming that if you give him $2,200, he will go back to Africa.

He is openly soliciting racists to pay these fees.

Within our lifetimes, people of color will outnumber whites in the United States. White folks, being keenly aware of this, have seemed especially upset about this, recently. Well, I’d like to give you the opportunity to solve your problem, one brown person at a time!

If you , or someone you know may be a racist who strictly despises people of color , please donate to this cause to send me ‘BACK’ TO AFRICA. If you are a hidden or undercover racist, please feel free to donate anonymously. If you are a proud racist, please leave your name and your donation will glady be appreciated!
Help spread the word!
Help spread the word!

However, it is obvious that he will not go back to Africa, and will simply use the money to by crack cocaine.

Note: Crack cocaine is basically the only thing Black people use money for, as it is not given to them free by the government, nor can it be easily stolen.

He doesn’t want to go to Africa. No one wants to go to Africa except dopey White people who want to help the primitives build huts.

We will eventually pay to send all the Blacks back to Africa, of course. But it will be under a government program established by our future dictator.