Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2015

How can we continue on with the pretext that we are anything other than an authoritarian Jewish dictatorship?
We are literally putting people in prison for upholding Christian morality.
Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk Kim Davis was given a second chance: She didn’t have to issue same-sex marriage licenses herself; she merely had to agree not to interfere with five deputy clerks who had told the federal judge they’d issue them in her stead.
But Davis’ lawyer told U.S. District Judge David Bunning that his client would not allow her deputies to issue the licenses. Davis was not in the courtroom for the second session. She was in a hallway outside.
“We cannot represent to the court that she would allow licenses to be issued,” attorney Mat Staver said.
Staver later told CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper” that Davis would issue licenses if her name and title were not on them.
“Because that in her understanding and mind is authorizing something that is contrary to her Christian values and convictions,” he said. “That’s where the conscience rub is.”
Earlier Thursday, Bunning remanded Davis into the custody of U.S. marshals for refusing to heed a U.S. Supreme Court order legalizing same-sex marriage, saying she would remain in jail until she complies with the ruling.
Bunning then asked Davis’ six deputy clerks whether they would issue the licenses, and despite some of them holding the same religious beliefs as Davis, five told Bunning they would issue the licenses. The sixth — Davis’ son, Nathan — didn’t answer.
I sure hope she doesn’t crack.
We need millions more whites with this type of conviction. If we had that, we’d have already won.