Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
September 30, 2014

Eurostat, an organization that collects statistics on Europe, shows us that Sweden takes in a massive amount of 21.3% of all “refugees” in Europe
Overall, 24,015 “refugees” were granted residence in Sweden, making it the country that brought in the most illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.
Germany and France were actually the preferred choice of “refugees”, but fewer were let in to those countries than Sweden.
Anti-Whites say that Africa and the Middle east are such bad places to live because White people colonized them years ago.
If colonialism completely ruined countries like anti-Whites claim, then the Roman empire would have completely destroyed Europe and made everyone back then starve and die of disease.
It is just an excuse to make White people feel guilty, and therefore open our country’s borders to mass non-White immigration.
The only people on Earth who are “obliged” to give handouts and have open borders are White people.
The ruling classes of Western countries have decided that they no longer want the West to be full of White people; they have now decided that the West is the “no man’s land” of races, but Black people still get to keep Africa and Asians still get to keep Asia.
In essence, what they call for is: Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, but White countries for everyone.
In order for this to happen, open borders and forced “diversity” is required. This White genocide is not carried out with bullets or bombs – it’s carried out with “diversity”.