Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
November 3, 2014

It is amazing how much influence Jews have had over American culture in the past hundred years. It is not a coincidence that as Jews have gained more power, our culture has simultaneously degenerated into a disgusting mess that continues to get worse. This is just another example of their influence.
I came across this article written by the Jewish Daily Forward about the birth control pill. Immediately, I figured that the guy who created this thing was probably a Jew, otherwise why would they write a feature length article on such a topic?
Needless to say, my suspicions were correct. The main guy responsible for creating the contraceptive pill was a weird looking Jew by the name of Dr. Gregory Pincus. Pincus apparently was connected to Margaret Sanger, the woman who started the American Birth Control League, an organization which eventually morphed into what is known today as Planned Parenthood.
Clearly, the development of the birth control pill has had a major societal impact as it has resulted in White people having fewer and fewer children. It has also aided the Cultural Marxists pushing their disgusting feminist agenda in the 1960s which was fronted by the subversive Jewess Gloria Steinem.