Dr James Thring: Tony Blair, the Arch War Criminal

Daily Stormer
February 6, 2017

Dr James Thring, Chairman of the Ministry of Peace and author of ‘Peace with Iraq’, ‘Israeli Crimes against the Palestinians’, ‘Strategies for Palestine’, ‘Peace with Iran’, ‘Peace with Libya’ and ”9-11′ – the Israeli Links’, he has always been on the right side of history. He trained as an architect and town planner and worked for the Department for the Environment until he was sacked for blowing the whistle on Keith Joseph’s covert links to New York banks which were being allowed – Yeltsin style – to buy up large tracts of UK infrastructure at knock-down prices. The worldwide machinations of Zionism, its warmongering in the Middle East and the way it beguiles Western nations into fighting wars that are in nobody’s interests, but Israel’s, led him to get involved in various international efforts to stop the Zionist war machine, in consequence of which he met the editor of Choice Magazine, the Dowager Lady Jane Birdwood, and Dr Kitty Little, the author of ‘Anti-Gentilism: An examination of the longest hatred’.

He also became a friend of Tariq Aziz and attended numerous conferences in Baghdad reporting on his own efforts to end sanctions and the Siege of Iraq, the US bombing of the no-fly zones and his attempts to obtain an injunction to prevent Tony Blair destroying the Middle East. In 2003 he co-founded LAAW (Legal Action Against War) to prosecute Blair for War Crimes, issuing a writ for the Metropolitan Police to arrest him. The CPS refused the case, so it was sent to the ICC with a petition signed by Michael Mansfield QC, 5 other QC’s, 5 MP’s and 5 notary public officials. The ICC refused to investigate. A petition to impeach Blair was then launched but failed to get enough Members of Parliament to sign. Last September his help was invaluable in the submission of a private prosecution to Westminster magistrates, which is still awaiting permission to proceed. His talk will allude to the hidden Zionist hand in the aggression against Iraq, citing evidence from the Oded Yinon Plan, the Strategy for the American Century’s notorious plan for ‘Rebuilding America’s Defences’, Victor Ostrovski’s testimony from Mossad, and his own compilation of facts about ‘9-11’. He will argue that the invasion of Iraq was treason against the sovereignty of the UK; an act of genocide; a fraud against the UN; that it undermined the reputation of the UK as an honest nation; and that while Tony Blair remains unprosecuted further illegal invasions are given the green light.
