Dr. Kevin MacDonald Talks on Jews and Immigration

Daily Stormer
July 24, 2014

Dr Kevin MacDonald

Dr Kevin MacDonald talks about how the immigration problem first began with the importation of East European Jews, who were very different to those who were already in America. They were already politically radicalised before they had even got on the boat.

Jews were at the forefront of fighting against restrictions on immigration and were doing so from the minute they arrived. There was a large resistance to this and in 1924 it was decided to keep the ethnic makeup of the US exactly how it was in the 1890 and 1920 census. Jews hated this, as they wanted more of their own people to come over. They formed lobby groups and funded other ethnic groups to continually fight against the immigration restrictions.

In 1965 the Jews finally succeeded in overturning the laws by accusing them of being ‘racist’ and they opened the floodgates. After getting rid of all the ethnic restrictions they kept on increasing the ceilings and agitating for amnesty for illegals, until we get to where we are today. Right the way through it has been Jews in the driving seat of facilitating the invasion of America.