Dr. Patrick Slattery Discusses the Cuck Response to the Pussy Grabocaust

Daily Stormer
October 10, 2016


RBN host Farren Shoaf of the Alternative Media interviews Dr. Patrick Slattery about the uproar over Donald Trump’s private comments that he likes kissing beautiful women and enjoys the perks of being a celebrity. They agree that with everything at stake in terms of war with Russia, replacement-level immigration, and capitulation to black criminality, anyone who cares about Trump’s kissy grabby comments is brain dead and needs to be shamed as a cuckold traitor.

They discussed other topics, including the efforts to prosecute 90-year-olds with any plausible links to Nazi camps, the replacement of cultural icons like Andrew Jackson with anti-white ones like Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks. Also, the David Duke Senate race, the Jewish takeover of Yeltsin’s Russia in the 1990s with the full cooperation of the Clinton Administration, the Zionist undermining of the cease fire in Syria, and the ongoing Jewish vendetta against Donald Trump.


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