Dr. William Pierce: The Lesson of Haiti

Daily Stormer
February 19, 2014


Haiti was once the jewel of the Caribbean and the French colonial empire, the social life there even rivaled Paris.

Then the democracy craze hit France and was carried along to Haiti.

They took it so far in Haiti, that they even started applying it to to the Black workers. The Whites sat in their clubs, drawing rooms and libraries and watched as Blacks were declared their brothers and equals. They talked about it, they discussed it, but by then it was too late, they were all to be butchered in hideous ways.

What had once been the richest and most productive part of the new world sank back into the squalor of the stone age.

A century later the Marines had to go in to ‘bring them democracy’ again. They stayed there for a while, built them schools, roads, telephones and infrastructure. Eventually they pulled out in 1934 and straight away the Blacks returned to their old way of doing things and Haiti returned to the jungle.

In 1958 the marines went in again, this time to protect them from Communist subversion, but as soon as they left again, the Blacks immediately returned to their old ways.

In 1994 the Marines tried again, this time they were ‘restoring democracy’.

No prizes for guessing what happened when they left.