Draft David Duke for Congress!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 14, 2016


We love Donald Trump. But the hard fact of the matter is, he’s not hardcore enough.

We need to ensure that there is a hardcore element within our government.

As such, we need one of our own in office.

Enter the miracle: David Duke is considering a congressional run.


David Duke is considering running for Congress.

Perhaps the country’s most famous white supremacist, Duke said Tuesday that he is weighing whether to challenge Steve Scalise, a member of Republican leadership, in Louisiana. Duke has not made a final decision but said on his website that he has authorized an exploratory committee. He told The Daily Beast that he expects to make a decision by July 22, the state’s ballot deadline.

“There are millions of people across the country who would like to have me in the Congress. I’d be the only person in Congress openly defending the rights and the heritage of European Americans,” he told The Daily Beast. “We are on the offensive today. There’s no more defenses.”

A former Louisiana state representative, Duke has waged many political campaigns, including a run for governor of the state in 1991 and for Congress in 1999.

Duke was thrust into the 2016 spotlight given his embrace of Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee. Trump initially declined earlier this year to distance himself from white supremacists like Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard. The billionaire later said he disavowed Duke’s support.

This would be the second time in recent years that Duke would be a thorn in the side of Scalise, the Republican House Majority whip. When Scalise tried to rise in House Republican leadership, news emerged that he had addressed a white supremacist group run by Duke in 2002. He later said he regretted speaking with them.

This is a good fortune the likes of which we could have never imagined.

We need this to happen.

We need David Duke in the government.

David Duke is not simply “right wing,” he is a White Nationalist. In fact, he is the grandfather of the modern White Nationalist movement.

If we can get Duke in office, everything changes.

This makes things easier for Trump.

Right now, Trump is going to be President, but he is also going to be the furthest right politician in the government. This makes it extremely difficult for him to forward his agenda. However, if Duke is in, making a huge issue of everything and getting the media coverage, Trump all the sudden seems much less extreme.

We are also setting things up for a Duke takeover further down the road, when Trump has already ripened the fields for a complete reformation of the American mind.

I can guarantee you, if we can get Trump in now, and get Duke in Congress, we will be ready, after the Trump Presidency, to install a full-on anti-Semite as our ruler.

And if Duke is already in Congress, he can be that man.

Getting Duke to run and be elected to Congress is the most important action of our generation. The future depends on this. In many ways, the Trump administration itself depends on this.

This is the way politics work. It’s the Overton Window.

If Trump is elected, he is going to need someone pushing things further right than he is. When David Duke is saying “we need to completely repeal the 1965 immigration act and issue an executive order stating that all citizenship awarded to non-Whites after 1965 was fraud and needs to be stripped from those awarded it,” all of the sudden Trump banning and expelling Moslems becomes normal.

We need David Duke in Congress and we need it now.