Dragon Bones Dug Up in China

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 17, 2015

I knew it.
I knew it.

I always said dinosaurs had to have been a real thing.


Around 125 million years ago, a mule-sized dinosaur with a long tail and short, resplendently-feathered wings roamed a corner of what is now northeastern China.

Researchers revealed the discovery of Zhenyuanlong suni, a close relative of its far more famous cousin — the velociraptor, after publishing a photo of a remarkably preserved fossil.

The relic shows the complete skeleton of the animal, as well as its skull displayed in profile. Clearly visible around the creature’s short arms are a pattern of long feathers, which also appear to have decorated the dinosaur’s tail.

“The cool thing here is that it is a dinosaur that looks a lot like a bird,” says Stephen Brusatte, a Scotland-based paleontologist who is one of the co-authors of the report.

I would imagine there were some a lot bigger than mules.

I’d also imagine they lived more recently than 125 million years ago.

Wu Bin painting from the 16th century
Wu Bin painting from the 16th century

Have you guys read that carbon dating could well be a hoax? I know a lot of creationits push that, but there are also some serious scientists who believe that when you start talking about millions of years (or even much shorter periods), there really is no way to know.

This is the type of thing we could be working on figuring out if we didn’t have these Jews screwing everything up.

We could also be building Jurassic Park.

All of our resources are being thrown down the bottomless pit of diversity, while the strong are held back and the weak are made kings.

Imagine a world where there’s no Jews:

Families are stable.
Families are stable.
Coloreds are not allowed.
Coloreds are not allowed.
You can afford a house
You can afford a house
Women are thin, attractive and submissive.
Women are thin, attractive and submissive.
There are no faggots at the beach.
There are no homos at the beach.
Jurassic Park is real.