Dreadful Lying Historian Defends Jew Massacres of Palestinian Children

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 24, 2014

Arrogant Jewish supremacist Simon Schama.

This Jewish supremacist is constantly being promoted by the BBC as the best historian in Britain.

Here he tries to misdirect peoples attention away from the Jewish massacres of children in Palestine by whining about a sinister plot to kill all Jewish children 70 years ago called ‘The Final Solution’.

As we all know, this was really a plan to resettle the Jews first in Madagascar, and then when that fell through, in Palestine – but Simon Schmekel wants people to think it referred to an imaginary killing of 1 million Yidlets in the German work camps.

He is obviously counting on people not being aware of all the creche and nursery facilities that were at the camps, which surely wouldn’t make much sense in a “death camp.”

The JC:

Historian Simon Schama has launched a stirring defence of Israel’s military operation in Gaza, strongly rejecting allegations that its forces were guilty of war crimes.

Speaking as guest of honour at the UJIA annual dinner, Mr Schama said: “We are not the killers of children. We grieve when the blood of innocent children is spilt because rockets are stored underneath or outside schools.

The ‘stories’ of the Jews would be a better title.

“One million Jewish children were killed in the Nazi slaughter. The point of the Shoah, the Final Solution was to kill children, wasn’t it? Children who would grow up to be Jews. We do not commit genocide. This is a disgusting corruption of the term, which would have George Orwell rolling in his tomb. Genocide was committed on us by the million.”

Mr Schama told the 1,000 guests at the dinner that he was proud to call himself a Zionist despite being a strong critic of the expansion of settlements and the annexation of territory in the West Bank.

“How could you not be a Zionist?” he said. “We need to reclaim the word Zionist. It is not a word to be ashamed of or to run away from. Israel, bless it, is a democracy, there are massive differences in opinion.

“I have fierce reservations about settlement policy. It was not a good idea to annex all that territory the other week. We need to encourage the Palestinians we can talk to, needless to say, not Hamas. But I’m not going to lecture the Israeli government on how this needs to happen.

Well, there you have it.

It is impossible for Jews to commit genocides because of ‘muh holocaust’.
