Dreadlock Black with Butt Hanging Out Sought for Slaying of White Man Outside Champagne Bar

June 18, 2014

Michael Beaver thought he was safe to go out for the evening, and he would have been, if there had been no Blacks lurking in the area.

New details Monday in a downtown bar fight that turned deadly. Friends are identifying the victim as 28-year-old Michael Beaver. He died Sunday after getting into a fight.

San Diego police say Beaver got into a verbal and physical altercation with his killer and was found unconscious on the sidewalk.

Cell phone video captured around 1:30 Sunday morning shows the scene on F Street and Sixth Avenue downtown.

The man behind the video is David Peterlinz, a news photographer visiting from Las Vegas.

“They had all this taped off here,” Peterlinz said. “Come out and we see an ambulance over here. Didn’t really think much of it, then fire shows up.”

Peterlinz had just walked out of Quality Social, a bar across the street, when he saw the commotion.

A dreadlocked Black thug unable to keep his pants up is being sought for the killing, which happened outside the Encore Champagne Bar & Dining Room.

According to police, a citizen flagged officers down to alert them about the victim who was lying unconscious on the sidewalk in front of Encore Champagne Bar & Dining Room.

Investigators say he had gotten into a verbal and physical altercation after leaving a nearby business.

Though paramedics tried to revive the man, he died a short time later at a nearby hospital.

“It’s a little unnerving to know, you’re coming down here to enjoy yourself and this type of thing happens,” Peterlinz said.

Others, who were also in the area around the same time expressed similar concerns.

“It’s terrible. I mean, you should be able to go out without having that kind of stuff happen,” one man said.

“This is like the last place you’d think that would happen like especially in a downtown bar setting. I mean like, you see fights and you see people who have had too much to drink but something like that is a little too much,” said another man.

It was the last thing people were expecting to see downtown of an evening.

As for who detectives are looking for — he’s being described as an African American male, weighing 170 pounds, between 28 and 30 years old, wearing a green shirt, sagging pants with white underwear exposed and long dreadlocks.

They’re also urging witnesses to come forward.

“There were folks obviously out. I saw phones out so there are people out there who have pictures and video from this,” Peterlinz said.

Police say they do know the victim’s identity but they are waiting until at least Monday to release his name.

San Diego police homicide detectives asked anyone with any information regarding the fight to call them at (619) 531-2293.