Droney Boi Takes on Heathrow Airport for Third Time, Wins

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
January 9, 2019

In the UK, the drone menace continues to terrorize the country, holding airports hostage as Parliament mulls over the possibility of calling for a state of emergency and martial law to bring back public order.

Drones – or as they like to call them: “swirly whirly innits” in the regional dialect – are clearly the latest terrifying tool in the Russian hackers’ arsenal.


Flights were suspended for at least an hour at London’s Heathrow, Europe’s busiest airport, after a suspected “drone sighting” in the area brought departures to a standstill on Tuesday evening.

The incident comes less than a month after suspected drone sightings caused chaos at Gatwick Airport, forcing flights to be cancelled and disrupting travel plans for 140,000 people.

“We are responding to a drone sighting at Heathrow,” Europe’s busiest airport said in a statement. “As a precautionary measure, we have stopped departures while we investigate. We apologise to passengers for any inconvenience this may cause.” 

So far, this one fearless drone operator has probably done more damage to the UK government’s credibility and coffers than the entire nationalist movement.

Heathrow and Gatwick reportedly spent millions of pounds on “military-grade anti-drone equipment” after the previous drone sighting scandal, which is still being investigated. The December incidents prompted public uproar when it was revealed that some of the drone sightings in the area could actually have been police drones.

The friendly neighborhood merchant was on call to offer a helping hand though.

And this is not to disparage nationalists, nonono. It’s just highlighting how effective prankery designed to elicit an over-reaction can be

Millions of Brits are cheering on the cheek and the jiggly figgly tiggybits (spunk) of the droner… because everyone likes a little bit of prankery and hates the government/airports.

At this point, it might not even be one pilot, but a copycat.

Remember: our governments seem to have near unlimited amounts of money to waste on bullshit like this. If the UK government could afford it, they’d basically assign two agents to monitor every single British citizen, one in cyberspace and one in meatspace – like a government-issued stalker or something.

This is how absurd the situation is and how absolutely paranoid the government has gotten. That being said, the droner took a very cost-effective engagement against the UK government and won.

Hereafter it shall be known as the Battle of Heathrow – a turning point in the Drone Wars.