Drowned Kids are Big, Big Money, Baby!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 6, 2015

Tima Kurdi
“Cha-cha-cha-cha-ching!” -Tima Kurdi, auntie of drowned boy

So, this Syrian family, the Kurdis, was safe and secure in a Turkish town after fleeing the war in their home country. They were well fed, sheltered and so on. Then the patriarch of the family, Abdullah, was like “oh man, I need new teeth. These Turks are not going to give me new teeth. Let’s all get in a rickety boat and go to Greece, then we’ll find some Whites to give me new teeth.”

And hey, for those who are questioning the “daddy needs a new pair of teeth” thing, you are right to be questioning it because virtually no media outlets are reporting it.

Most of them aren’t even reporting that the family was already safe in Turkey.

But here it is in the Wall Street Journal:

Mr. Kurdi brought his family to Turkey three years ago after fleeing fighting first in Damascus, where he worked as a barber, then in Aleppo, then Kobani. His Facebook page shows pictures of the family in Istanbul crossing the Bosporus and feeding pigeons next to the famous Yeni Cami, or new mosque.

From his hospital bed on Wednesday, Mr. Kurdi told a Syrian radio station that he had worked on construction sites for 50 Turkish lira (roughly $17) a day, but it wasn’t enough to live on. He said they depended on his sister, Tima Kurdi, who lived in Canada, for help paying the rent.

Just to insert here: the average monthly salary in Syria is $364. Assuming that Mr. Kurdi isn’t lying about the $17 a day he was making (I actually do assume he is lying), that would be $510 a month.

I have personally spent time living in the Philippines, where the average monthly salary is $279, and no one is starving.

I have also spent time living in Moldova, where the average salary is $438 (less than Abdullah’s $510), and no one is starving there either. And that isn’t a country with easy access to cheap fish, and it also requires heating for at at least 4 months of the year to keep from freezing to death.

But as the WSJ continues – Daddy needs a new pair of teeth!

Ms. Kurdi, speaking Thursday in a Vancouver suburb, said that their father, still in Syria, had suggested Abdullah go to Europe to get his damaged teeth fixed and find a way to help his family leave Turkey. She said she began wiring her brother money three weeks ago, in €1,000 ($1,100) amounts, to help pay for the trip.

Shortly after, she said her brother called her and said he wanted to bring his whole family to Europe, as his wife wasn’t able to support their two boys alone in Istanbul.

Regrettably, the rickety boat sank, as they tend to do. The father swam to safety, leaving his 3 and 5-year-old sons to drown.

I don’t know about you guys, but if I was on a rickety boat with my three and five-year-old sons, and it sank, I would make it top priority to save the boys – I mean, at least one of them. In fact, I doubt there would be any point at which I would be like “ah, screw it, I’ll make another one” and then leave the boys to die. I think I would either save at least one boy or go down trying.

I’m not even trying to make out like I’m some super-good and altruistic person here. Just running the situation through in my mind, this is what I honestly think I would do. And maybe from an evolutionary standpoint, this wouldn’t even be altruism, but common sense – “these are my genes, and they are fresher than my own.”

And as we saw when the Titanic sank, White men were doing that for kids that weren’t even their own – putting them on the rafts first, knowing well it probably meant they were going to drown.

"The Birkenhead Drill"
“The Birkenhead Drill”

But, as we often stress on this site, different races have different value systems.

Auntie Sees Big Bucks in Dead Baby

Drowned Syrian boys' aunt wants to bring family to Canada - Houston Chronicle 2015-09-06 17-22-50

Now, the boys’ auntie, Tima Kurdi, is demanding that because these boys died due to the reckless actions of the bad-teeth father, the whole family deserves to come to Canada.

Of course, when they get to Canada, they will live on welfare, like virtually all Brown people in White countries.

Biggest Hoax Since the Holocaust

This whole situation can accurately be labeled the biggest hoax since the Holocaust.

The entire Jew media is blaming White people for this. There is absolutely no sense in it, but that is what they are doing, shamelessly.

And they are doing it by not reporting the actual facts. These people were not in danger. They were doing better than a lot of people in Europe – native Europeans.

They are also doing it by continuing on with this idea that these people are our responsibility, something which no one has even attempted to try to explain beyond “awwwwww, but it’s so sad that they’re poor!!!! If you don’t let them in your base you’re evil because look at how saaaaaaaaad!”