Drug-Dealing Black Killer Faces Trial for Bullet to the Skull of White Mother

March 2, 2015

Tiffany Frey was killed by a bullet to the back of the skull.

For the second time in seven years, Johnny “Red” Fair faced a Jefferson Parish jury Wednesday (Feb. 25), accused of being a drug-dealing killer. He was convicted the first time, in 2008, and sentenced to five years in prison.

That was for fatally shooting Juan Levy, 20, at a Jefferson Highway motel in Old Jefferson on May 14, 2006. Charged with manslaughter, he argued that he fired only after Levy pointed a pistol at his girlfriend. The jury rejected his self-defense claim and convicted him of negligent homicide, a lesser offense that involves criminal negligence.

Now Fair, 29, is charged with second-degree murder in the Jan. 10, 2012, death of Tiffany Frey, 36. A mother of two children, Frey, a “chronic” cocaine user, smoked crack just moments before she was shot dead in her apartment at 241 Barry Ave. in Old Jefferson, authorities said.

Deputies found her body facedown in the doorway between her bathroom and bedroom, her head resting in a pool of blood on the white tile floor. A bullet had entered the back of her head, just inches above the “Tiffany” tattoo on her neck, and exited through her mouth, prosecutors said.

Her life was taken away by this inbred thug called Johnny “Red” Fair.

Fair had been threatening to harm Frey because he said she had been “ratting” about another shooting in New Orleans’ Hollygrove neighborhood, Assistant District Attorney Rachel Luck Africk told jurors Wednesday. On the night she died, she and two men had been in her apartment when Fair arrived with another man, Africk said. As Frey walked toward her bathroom, Fair followed her and fired his pistol twice, Africk said.

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