Drunk German Teens Urinate on Holocaust Memorial

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 9, 2014

On New Year’s Eve, a group of intoxicated German teenagers partied on the Berlin Holocaust memorial, set off firecrackers and urinated on the symbolic graves of the allegedly gassed Jews.

Here is a clip of a Jew news service whining about it.

Note that these do appear to be actual White European Germans, rather than Muslim immigrant “Germans.”

Though this may appear to simply be drunken shenanigans of wayward youth, I would offer that it is deeply symbolic of a coming polar shift of the soul of the German nation.  In my own estimation, the Roman saying “In Vino Veritas” (In wine, is truth) certainly holds true here, as the teenagers acted out something rooted in their subconscious minds – a drive to be out from under the weight of the guilt the Jews have brought down upon them.

During my time in Europe last year, I met many Germans, and being the sort of gentleman that I am, would find an opportunity to bring up the alleged gassings of the innocent little Jews that their grandfathers are said to have taken part in.  Though my denial was sometimes met with slight resistance, there was a universal perception among those I spoke to that they, as a nation, no longer had a duty to support these Jews.  They all confirmed that this sentiment is growing very steadily amongst the youth of this once greatest of nations.

Though they were not deniers (at least not when I met them – I converted at least two, and possibly more by telling them to watch a few YouTube clips), they were ready to state the obvious fact that four generations is too long to hold people responsible for this.  And once they are ready to question their own responsibility in the matter, it is not a huge leap to question the culpability of their ancestors.  Once the window is open, to consider if it is possible that it didn’t happen, it is game over – it doesn’t take much research to see that there is literally no evidence whatsoever to support this ridiculous Jewish lie.

Once the Holocaust lie collapses, so does the entire foundation of Jewish power.

If the youth of Germany rises, so do we all.  Even broken down and occupied by the US military, it remains the strongest country in Europe, economically and politically, representing the most intellectually capable members of our race.

Though I believe they are going to need a push, it seems to me that the rise of the Golden Dawn may be on the verge of presenting such a push – of kindling a long diminished flame in the racial soul of the German people.  When the Golden Dawn becomes the government of Greece, showing that such a thing is indeed possible, they are going to give the Germans, and all the other Whites of the world, an opportunity to ask the question “what if?”

And once that question is asked, every single member of the Aryan race knows the answer, deep down in their bones.

2014 is going to be a very interesting year indeed.