Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 21, 2014

The girl who acted in a fake video designed by a deviant Chinaman, Stephen Zhang, to promote the feminist lie that White men are sexual predators has released a stupid and insincere “apology” for scamming the world with her hoaxing.
Basically, she begs the people to feel sorry for her because she hoaxed them. She attempts to use “I am just a poor stupid little girl” methods which will not work after she has already engaged in “let’s promote a hoax on purpose to attack evil men by falsely portraying them as predators” methods.
Jennifer Box, who purposefully hoaxed the people for the purpose of lining the pockets of Ching-Chong Zhang, claims she somehow didn’t understand that she was hoaxing. She thought it was all fun and games until everyone was like “wtf is wrong with you why would you do this?”

The video showed Box walking around Hollywood pretending to be drunk and being approached by mostly White men who were trying to take sexual advantage of her. After seeing that they were being portrayed throughout the media as sexual predators, the men in the video came out and told the media that they were asked by Ching-Chong to be in a comedy video, and agreed as a favor to a guy they thought was cool.

“I was hired as an actress to play a drunk girl in what was described to me as a light-hearted prank show,” the snake-slut Box claimed on YouTube. “Had I known the damaging outcome of this video, I never would have participated.”
What did she think the outcome was going to be?
She thought she wouldn’t get caught. The “damaging outcome” she is speaking of is obviously the damage to her reputation, as the world now knows she is nothing but a hoaxing wench who will team up with Chinese criminals to screw over anyone for shekels.

“I was just the random actress they hired that day,” she wrote on Facebook. “I had never met them before, and I didn’t even know exactly what we were shooting until I got there, but was told it was a comedic prank show, not this. They hired me as an actress to go pretend to be drunk so I said okay and stumbled off. I had NO idea it would snowball into this.”
Again “if I’d known this Ching-Chong was dumb enough to get caught, I would have told him no. I thought Ching-Chong people were smart!”
Ah but listen – this slut was openly praising the video and it’s makers when it was released and getting media attention.
“Don’t even know what to say right now,” she wrote on Facebook three days after the clip was released and went viral. “Thankyou Stephen Zhang, Seth Leach, Chris Olmedo, Micayla Keeley.”
Obviously, three days in she knew it was being promoted as a hoax. It was all over the media, defaming all these poor men who were exploited in this scam. So what she is literally saying in her fake apology video – which isn’t really an apology but an attempt to gain sympathy from her victims – is that she is so completely retarded that she literally has no idea what is even going on around her, and just felt really happy to see her face on news sites.
No dice, slut. Even if you really are that stupid, you still deserve to be in prison.

One of the men featured in the video, Mike “Mokii” Koshak, was working as a club promoter on the street when he was approached by Zhang, who has been described by non-Jewish media as “the visage of a young Dr. Zin,” and invited to take part in a “comedic student film.”
Taking to Facebook to defend his person after the video went viral, Koshak said the video “was all staged and all of the people in it were acting,” adding that the hoax video “does not portray myself or any of the other people in it correctly … it’s a false ass portrayal and I was lied to about what the video even was. Faulty ass shit.”

Seeing Koshak exposing the hoax on Facebook, Seth Leach, the sidekick of criminal mastermind Stephen Zhang, sent the exploited young club promoter a private message telling him to stay cool and go along with the hoax, that he would get free drinks and a future in showbiz if he didn’t rat them out on their criminal plot.
“The important thing to consider,” Leach wrote, “is that this video is going to get you well known and have a future with us and our company,” adding “We are going to be huge and you are apart of it. Just go with it dude, you are in our team now and we will take care of you.”
Zhang, Leach and box should all be in prison, as this hoax clearly violated a string of different fraud and defamation laws. Hopefully, the men who were actually exploited by being portrayed as exploiters will sue the Chinese rat and his criminal associates as well as press criminal charges against them.
Feminism Exposed Once Again
After showing that the only way they can prove women are harassed on the street is by getting Black people to do it in their “ten hours on the streets of New York” video, feminists who universally embraced the Zhang hoax before it was discovered as a hoax have once again demonstrated that they themselves are the hoax, and that their positions cannot be pushed unless it is through these various forms of fraud.

The entire SJW movement has reached the end of the line, and these recent hoaxes demonstrate just how desperate they are to get people to care about their idiot gibberish.
People are fed up with all of this nonsense, even if they themselves haven’t realized it yet.
Meanwhile, we continue to rise. Because we have practical solutions to real life problems, instead of a bunch of stupid whining and fraudulent hoaxes.