Jews Flee to Israel After Embezzling $33Million From US Banks

Daily Stormer
February 2, 2014

Aviv Mizrahi is wanted by the FBI
‘Wanted’ poster for Aviv Mizrahi.

The FBI says that two American citizens have escaped to Israel while being investigated for $33 million in bank fraud.

Unlike most of the other countries in the world, Israel has no extradition treaties. This means that Jews can commit as many crimes as they like in other countries and if they can manage to get back to Israel before they get arrested, then they never will be arrested.

Aryeh Greenes is wanted by the FBI
Aryeh Greenes.

“If a Jew is tempted to do evil,he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.”
— The Talmud, Moed Kattan, 171

From CBS:

Aviv Mizrahi, AKA Aviv Shoham Schwartz, 53; and Aryeh Greenes, 58, both residents of the Fairfax District of Los Angeles, were charged Thursday in an indictment returned by a federal grand jury in United States District Court in Los Angeles.

The 34-count indictment charges the men with bank fraud and making false statements in loan applications.

Mizrahi faces a maximum statutory sentence of 1,020 years in federal prison if convicted. Greenes faces a maximum statutory sentence of 330 years in federal prison if convicted.

According to the indictment, Mizrahi operated companies including New Electronic, Inc. and Tech Club, Inc. that operated as wholesalers of consumer electronics, including televisions and DVD players. Mizrahi also operated a retail store in Culver City known as Star Club. According to the indictment, Mizrahi and Greenes, the CFO of New Electronic and Tech Club, used fake financial records over a four year period to obtain a $28 million line of credit from United Commercial Bank and a $3 million line of credit from TomatoBank. Mizrahi allegedly used fake records to obtain another $5 million line of credit from Security Pacific Bank. According to the indictment, the banks suffered over $33 million in losses due to the fraudulent scheme operated by Mizrahi and Greenes.

Security Pacific Bank and United Commercial Bank failed and were placed into the hands of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The bank failures cost the FDIC losses in excess of $1 billion.

Mizrahi was previously charged with bank fraud in an indictment returned under seal by a federal grand jury in May 2012.

Every Jew has the option of escaping to Israel when his crimes become known to the people of his host nation.  The country is simply a headquarters for international Jewish gangsterism.