Duchess of Sussex’s White Half Sister Hates That Nigger

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 5, 2018

The new princess nigger has made it a point to make it clear that she hates all white people, especially her white father and other white family members.

She didn’t even allow her father to attend her wedding, coming up with some nonsense health excuse. Her father has since said she’s a dumb bitch who thinks she’s better than everyone.

In fact, no member of her white family was allowed at the wedding.

Fox News:

Meghan Markle’s half-sister, Samantha, celebrated the Duchess of Sussex’s birthday by comparing her to Disney’s “101 Dalmatians” villain Cruella de Vil.

According to E! News, the 53-year-old tweeted on her private account that she was disappointed that the Duchess of Sussex had not wished her own father, Thomas Markle, a happy birthday on his recent big day.

Samantha tweeted, “Happy Birthday Meg! It would be so lovely and appropriate of you to send DAD a BELATED birthday card for his July 18th [cake emoji] @KensingtonRoyal Cheers!”

A day before the duchess’ birthday, Samantha shared an Elle Magazine article about Markle and her husband “taking a step away from the media spotlight,” on Twitter and wrote, “OK so Cruella Deville is retreating LOL…Let me know how that works out for you [sic].”

Samantha’s recent tweets are not the first time the sibling has called out Markle for not supporting her family.

Last month, while the duke and duchess paid a visit to a Nelson Mandela tribute exhibition in London, Samantha called out her sister once again.

She tweeted, “How about you pay tribute to your own father?! Enough is enough. Act like a humanitarian act like a woman! If our father dies I’m holding you responsible, Meg! @KensingtonRoyal.”

She has said that she has no connection at all to her white family, and only ever felt her bluegum baboon mama was her “real family.”

I don’t even blame the monkey bitch for feeling odd in a family of humans.

I just blame her for being a dirty African nigger.

There are many, many signs that Meghan Markle hates all white people, straight up, and is only involved in this marriage scam for the fame, money and most importantly to promote the negroid people.

Al Sharpton has stated this plainly, saying that the marriage of a negroid into the royal family is a direct attack intended to harm the white race.

Meghan Markle’s white brother actually took the time to write the pervert Ginger Prince a letter telling him that his nigger sister is a bloodsucking whore.

This marriage to a nigger in the royal family is just another sign that reality itself is collapsing.

The idea that anyone could think this was normal shows that there is no point of normalcy by which to judge anything that happens.

People were using the term “new normal” to refer to tranny bathrooms and Somalian rape gangs and so on and so forth – but that isn’t even a very good term. There isn’t a “new normal,” because we are in a constant state of flux, meaning that the very concept of normalcy becomes impossible.

There is no standard, because everything changes so rapidly.

And no one even has any idea what to expect next!

I don’t think anyone expected that following the gay marriage wave, we would be talking about trannies and nigger princesses.

This is the reality implosion.