Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 17, 2015

Proving once again that everyone who criticizes Black culture is not only evil but also uneducated and inbred White trash living in a trailer, a Duke University professor is under fire for having criticized innocent and victimized Basketball Americans in the comments section of a New York Times article.
The piece entitled “How Racism Doomed Baltimore” was simply stating the accepted facts of how oppressed Blacks are in racist America and how all of their failures are 100% the fault of White people.
The Duke professor, who goes by the name of “Jerry Hough,” made the comments while connecting to the internet through dial-up from his trailer in Kentucky, where he lives with his wife, who is also his first cousin. Besides teaching at Duke, he uses the trailer to cook meth.
Sickeningly, the uneducated inbred redneck had the gall to compare Blacks to Asians, noting that Asians “didn’t feel sorry for themselves, but worked doubly hard.”
Here is the full comment:
This editorial is what is wrong. The Democrats are an alliance of Westchester and Harlem, of Montgomery County and intercity Baltimore. Westchester and Montgomery get a Citigroup asset stimulus policy that triples the market. The blacks get a decline in wages after inflation.
But the blacks get symbolic recognition in an utterly incompetent mayor who handled this so badly from beginning to end that her resignation would be demanded if she were white.The blacks get awful editorials like this that tell them to feel sorry for themselves.
In 1965 the Asians were discriminated against as least as badly as blacks. That was reflected in the word “colored.” The racism against what even Eleanor Roosevelt called the yellow races was at least as bad.
So where are the editorials that say racism doomed the Asian-Americans. They didn’t feel sorry for themselves, but worked doubly hard.
I am a professor at Duke University. Every Asian student has a very simple old American first name that symbolizes their desire for integration. Virtually every black has a strange new name that symbolizes their lack of desire for integration. The amount of Asian-white dating is enormous and so surely will be the intermarriage. Black-white dating is almost non-existemt because of the ostracism by blacks of anyone who dates a white.
It was appropriate that a Chinese design won the competition for the Martin Luther King state. King helped them overcome. The blacks followed Malcolm X.
Obviously, the stupid White trash hillbilly doesn’t understand that Whites are not as racist to Asians as they are to Blacks, as evidenced by the Black experience, and so the comparison means nothing. Even while seeming to follow obvious logic, Black to Asian comparisons fail to fully consider the effect of “microaggressions.”
Responding to an inquiry from The Charlotte Observer, Hough struggled to attempted to defend his own pure evil.
Hough did not agree to be interviewed, but late Friday he said in an email that his comments were misunderstood. He had been prompted to write about a May 9 editorial in the New York Times on the Baltimore riots and underlying factors of segregation and poverty. He said the editorial should have called for the mayor of Baltimore to resign, instead of blaming white racism.
“I don’t know if you will find anyone to agree with me,” he said in an email to The News & Observer. “Anyone who says anything is a racist and ignorant as I was called by a colleague. The question is whether you want to get involved in the harassment and few do. I am 80 and figure I can speak the truth as I see it. Ignorant I am not.”
“Not ignorant,” says the evil ignorant bastard. If he isn’t ignorant, than why is he so filled with hatred? Why does he want to oppress everyone who has a different color of skin?
Why does he want to commit a genocide using gas chambers against all who don’t look like him?
Is not the desire tot turn al “undesirables” into lampshades – as Hough indicated in his comment he desires to do – the epitome of “ignorance”?

He then pretended to not be filled with hatred by citing his own alleged totally and completely liberal and pro-Black past and present.
Hough said he was a disciple of Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1950s and voted for President Barack Obama. He pointed out that the first book he assigned to students in 1961 was “Black Like Me.” He further stated that one of the best students he ever taught was African American, and he had encouraged her to apply for a Rhodes Scholarship, but she pursued a career in athletics.
He said he’s working on a book on the 1960s social revolutions and that “I am very disappointed in the lack of progress” for African Americans.
“The point I was raising was why the Asians who were oppressed did so well and are integrating so well, and the blacks are not doing as well,” his email said. “The comments have convinced me to write a book which will add the Asians to all the research I did on blacks.”
He also admitted his comment in the New York Times was not expressed as well as he had intended: “There were typos in my outrage towards [the editorial] and I could have been more careful (though hard in the space limits).”
Ha! As if supporting nearly every mainstream position on Black oppression means he is allowed to deny Blacks the right to complain!
Thankfully, the world rallied against the evil trailer trash Duke University professor, condemning him for his hatred and refusal to accept the objective truth of the existence of microaggressions as the reason for all Black failure.
Mark Anthony Neal, a Duke professor of African and African American Studies, responded on his blog by pasting a screen shot of the comment, with this: “In the words of Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, microagressions = micro-nooses–Mark Anthony Neal.” Bonilla-Silva is a Duke sociology professor.
Duke spokesman Michael Schoenfeld distanced the university from the professor’s New York Times comments but also pointed out academic freedom provisions in Duke’s Faculty Handbook.
“The comments were noxious, offensive and have no place in civil discourse,” Schoenfeld wrote in an email. “Duke University has a deeply-held commitment to inclusiveness grounded in respect for all, and we encourage our community to speak out when they feel that those ideals are challenged or undermined, as they were in this case.”
He quoted from the Faculty Handbook, which says every faculty member has the right “to act and to speak in his or her capacity as a citizen without institutional censorship or discipline.”
Schoenfeld said he couldn’t comment on personnel matters, but added, “we take issues like this seriously and will use the opportunity to restate Duke’s core values of diversity and tolerance.”
Voices of reason, at least.
This Black gentleman and his Jewish comrade (documented Jewishness here) have really added a bit of reason to a situation that was completely and totally out of control, what with some evil White man going so far as to suggest that Blacks and Asians can be compared in any way.

It makes me so angry when I see White men trying to oppress and do racism on innocent victims, so we all have to thank heaven there are Blacks and Jews around to correct these evils.
Feel free to get on Twitter and thank Mark Anthony Neal (@NewBlackMan) and Michael Schoenfeld (@Mike_Schoenfeld) for all they have done for humanity by fighting racism.