Dumb Bitch Hillary Returns, Trying to Sell Feminism to Uninterested Non-Buyers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 29, 2017

The bitch is back!

Fox News:

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday gave one of her first public speeches since losing the presidential election and criticized the much-circulated photo showing an all-male group of Republican lawmakers last month negotiating women’s coverage in health care legislation.

She mentioned a social-media parody of it that showed an all-dog panel deciding on feline care.


A better analogy would be one of the following:

  • Adults discussing child care
  • Non-retarded people discussing retard care
  • Humans discussing livestock care

Women have proven, time and again, that they are totally incapable of managing anything, least of all themselves.

This is just reality.

“I am here today to urge us not to grow tired. Not to be discouraged and disappointed. Not to throw up our hands because change is not happening fast enough,” Clinton said. “We need more women at any table, at any conference call or email chain where decisions are made.”

Without mentioning President Trump by name, Clinton faulted the Republican presidential administration repeatedly, including calling its representation of women in top jobs “the lowest in a generation.”

She rebuked White House press secretary Sean Spicer, again not by name, for hours earlier Tuesday chiding a black woman journalist during a news conference for shaking her head.

“Too many women have had a lifetime of practice taking this kind of indignity in stride,” Clinton said. “I mean, it’s not like I didn’t know all the nasty things they were saying about me. I thought some of them were kind of creative.”

Clinton cracked jokes about her November defeat and her months out of the limelight since, Clinton spoke to thousands of businesswomen in San Francisco, joking there was no place she’d rather be, “other than the White House.”

Wow, that’s… actually pretty sad.


Hillary, you shrill old wench. Just give it up. Disappear with whatever tiny particles of dignity you have left.

People do not want what you’re selling.

“Hillary Clinton criticizes photo of male republicans talking about women’s health coverage” comes across to people like “floppy disk manufacturer criticizes the internet for transferring data through cables.”

You lost.

People are not interested in feminism, they are interested in angry teacher lady trying to wreck them.

Take off that David Bowie costume and go home and bake something for your kike grandchildren, Hillary.