Daily Stormer
January 28, 2018
Didn’t you know that free tampons are a human right?
Everything some dumb bitches want is a fundamental human right.
Only a nazi would deny this.
University of Florida students walked around campus Tuesday with fake menstrual blood on their pants to protest the lack of free feminine hygiene products on campus.
On January 15, a student government committee rejected a proposal to provide free menstrual products to female students through the mandatory Activity and Service Fee, expressing concerns about applying mandatory fees paid by all students towards “funding that would only benefit the female half of the UF student body.”
I’m not American, or a woman (thank Cthulhu) but I’m 99% sure tampons don’t cost that much.
I looked at some stores, and using my abacus to do the complicated calculations, I deduced a woman in America needs to spend around 10-20$ a month on this stuff.
Can these strong independent womyn not afford that much?
A student group called “Gatters Matter, Period.,” which began circulating a petition in support of the proposal last fall, responded by organizing a “bleed-in” protest during which roughly two-dozen students stained the back of their pants red, according to The Alligator.
“This is a part of reproductive justice,” Shannon Matthew, who was among the first students to join the protest, told the Alligator. “I’m not ashamed of my period, and I don’t think anyone should be.”
You should be ashamed of being a dumb whore, not by the blood from your vagene.
Also, I like how everything these days is about “justice.”
The word itself doesn’t really mean anything anymore.
A Facebook event page for the “Are You Seeing Red?” demonstration explains that participants wore “washable dye on our bums, as if we didn’t have a pad and the blood bled through.”
The organizers provided “supplies” for those in need of them, but encouraged students to “bleed-in how ever [sic] you want as well.”
So these retarded vagenes couldn’t muster the effort of using their own blood?
They even made sure the dye they use is washable?
They’re so “radical” (another word that doesn’t mean shit anymore) they can’t even sacrifice a pair of paints for their retarded cause?
Soros really isn’t getting his money’s worth, is he?
Following the protest, the proposal was discussed at a meeting of the full Student Senate, where the Alligator reports that Senate President Ian Green announced that a decision had been made to provide free menstrual products at the student union starting in February, though he could not offer details about funding because the arrangement had been worked out by Student Body President Smith Meyers, who was unavailable for comment.
During the meeting, some senators pointed out that free menstrual products are already available on campus through the Field and Fork Pantry.
Wait, so men are already paying for this retarded shit?
So what are these whores whining about?
Students are allowed to take up to three bags of menstrual products per week—each containing eight tampons, five liners, and five pads—but student activists retorted that the option is too limited.
I don’t understand what that means.
What does that mean?
“Heteronormativity is rampant on this campus,” complained Sophia Ahmed, one of the organizers of the “bleed-in” protest. “Today I held a little protest for free menstrual protects. If you saw my butt that was evidence. And I say menstrual not feminine because menstruation should not be gendered. Some men get periods.”
I don’t have any “anime laugh gif” strong enough for this idiocy…
I do, however, know the cure for it.
Put women back in cages, where they belong.
There is no sane human being on this earth that can a minimally logic argument for treating women as anything other than baby-makers and sandwich-makers.
Pretending this isn’t the case can only lead to the destruction of civilization, which I’m reasonably certain is a bad thing.
We should probably consider amputating their tongues at birth too.