Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 6, 2015

The sickening Black bastard and alleged Republican Presidential “Hopeful” Ben Carson has issued an apology to faggots for statements he made in an interview. He had indicated gayness was a choice, citing prison faggotry as an example of this.
Here’s the clip.
Following these statements, which I don’t even really agree with, he was attacked by gays and bent to their will, posting on Facebook that he doesn’t really know and was basically just making crap up when he said it is a choice.
“I realized that my choice on language does not reflect fully my heart on gay issues,” Carson wrote in a He wrote. “I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”
So you believed in what you said until people got mad. Sounds like an upstanding character you’ve got there, Coltrane. You seem almost as honest and genuine as our current Black President.
Gayness as a Choice
Just to make a small comment on Carson’s original comment – I don’t think gayness is really a “choice” anymore than being schizophrenic is a choice. Claims that it is a choice really just make anti-gay people look stupid. This statement became popular on the Christian right because they had capitulated to the Jewish assertion that no one could be judged on anything that was outside of their personal control. If you agree that you can’t judge a person for being Black, than how could you judge someone for being gay?
There may be some situations in which acting on homosexual drives, rather than suppressing them, is a choice. But the idea that you would choose to think it is hot to have sex with another man’s butthole – no one could choose that.
Carson cited the example of prison homosexuality to back up his theories, but what he didn’t say is that it is only Blacks who become gay when they go to prison, and they don’t do this because they choose to do it, they do it because their sex urges are completely uncontrollable.
Besides being stupid, the “gay is a choice” argument also makes you look like you have no plan on how to fix this gay problem. You solution is to tell people to stop doing it? That’s nonsensical and not a solution at all. Our solution is to lock these people in treatment facilities to deal with their mental health problems. Which makes obvious, logical sense, and is also significantly more compassionate.