Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
March 7, 2015

A silly feminist organization, Women on 20s, exists solely to convince President Obozo to get rid of the awesome Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill—and replace him with a prominent feminist or female Marxist.
Yes, this is a real organization.
The group, which also calls itself W20, lists 15 candidates to replace Jackson. They include Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rachel Carson, Margaret Sanger and Susan B. Anthony.
Anthony used to adorn the dollar coin, which now bears the image of Sacagawea. But there are still no women on paper currency.
W20 is petitioning the president and Congress to put one of these women on the $20 bill by 2020, the 100th anniversary off the ratification of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote. Anthony, an abolitionist and suffragist, campaigned for the passage of that amendment.
W20 is inviting people to vote on its web site for their favorite candidates to grace the $20 bill.
Another example of a White, Christian male historical figure being spat on and leftist/feminist/Marxist historical figures being exalted. Can’t say I’m surprised at this point.
Do any of you realize how much of a badass Andrew Jackson was, though? He was a great military leader and a man of the people, he sought to expand White influence on the continent, he beat up his would-be assassin with a cane at the ripe young age of 68, he lived much of his life with a musket ball lodged near his heart, and he killed the Bank (his proudest moment as president, which probably led to the assassination attempt).
He definitely deserves to keep his face on the $20 bill and be remembered as one of the greatest presidents in American history.