Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2016

No one likes to see good food go to waste. But this good food was not wasted.
This delicious pig served a higher purpose than simply filling a belly.
In protest against the arrival of a reception center in Heesch, a pig was hung from a tree on Wednesday at the place in Ruitersweg West where the asylum seekers’ center is to be built.
There was a second pig on a transformer house, surrounded by banners against the arrival of the asylum seekers’ center. “Sickening,” said DTV Oss reporter Roel Kuilder it on Twitter.
“Could not believe my eyes’
A neighbor who prefers to remain anonymous was shocked by the action. “I was just at home when I suddenly saw those banners hang. Then I saw on Facebook a call for parents to keep their children inside.”
Then the witness saw three police cars are at the transformer, “I walked over there and asked if they wanted to keep some extra supervision. Then I suddenly saw there the pigs. I could not believe my eyes.”
Much opposition
Who is behind the action is unknown. “In any case, no one from the neighborhood, I’m sure. 500 refugees for ten years is a lot, but this is going too far.”
On Tuesday it was announced by the board of Bernheze that 500 refugees will be housed at the Ruitersweg West. This immediately met with much opposition.
On-site special units will be built to accommodate the refugees. The land is made available for up to ten years at the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers.
No understanding
Marieke Moorman mayor of the municipality Bernheze has no understanding for the action. “We are very inappropriate. We want everyone in the conversation, but not this way. We understand that people are angry, but this is not the way to engage with each other.”
What are people supposed to do?
No one wants these apes on their streets, except some unhinged feminists and the Jews. But there are so few options available to oppose it.
A dramatic act such as a pig-hanging makes a lot of sense. No crime was committed here, unless you are going to charge them with littering. They have made an aggressive political statement which represents the popular opinion in a way which harmed no person or property.
What more do you want?