Duterte Vows to Release the Military to Slaughter His Enemies on the Streets

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2017

Just when you thought he was going to chill a little bit… he ups the ante.

Duterte answers to no man.


Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has said he will sign an executive order authorizing the military to join his war on drugs, branding the drug problem “a national security threat,” Reuters reports.

He also stressed that he does not need extra powers to order the military into action, while saying he does not need to declare martial law, as he has threatened to do before.

“You bleed for those son of a bitch. How many? 3,000? I will kill more if only to get rid of drugs and this campaign. I thought that would finish it in six months,” Duterte said, as cited by Reuters.

“I have limited warm bodies, but so many wars to fight,” Duterte added.

The announcement comes a day after the country’s Defense Ministry asked Duterte to allow troops to assist in the war on drugs and pursue rogue policemen.

The ministry’s statement said that they needed “an official order regarding this presidential directive to serve as a legal basis for our troops to follow.”

Duterte gave an address on Tuesday asking the military to participate in the war on drugs, demanding that “scalawag cops” face justice.

Following the killing of a South Korean businessman by rogue policemen, on Monday Duterte ordered his chief of police to scrap the anti-drug task force. It will now be absorbed by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency.

According to the latest official estimates, over 7,000 people have been killed in Duterte’s anti-drug campaign, which was launched when he took power seven months ago.

Never forget: when Duterte talked to Trump on the phone, he said Trump asked him to come give him pointers on how to deal with Mexican drug dealers.

That is a thing which happened.

Even if Trump didn’t actually say that, he didn’t correct it when Duterte told the media he said that, so he is at the very least okay with people believing he said that.

I am personally 100% sure he said it, and that he is going to ask him about it when they meet. I don’t think Trump will actually organize Duterte-style death squads, but look, at this point, nothing is impossible.

We are in a whole new realm.