Daily Stormer
March 20, 2015

The Daily Beast has published an article about Rabbi Denise Eger, the new lesbian head of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the biggest rabbinical Jew movement in America. In it, she is quoted as bragging about the Jew role in destroying American society.
Usually, the 55-year-old Reform rabbi from Memphis, Tennessee, is more likely to be found standing up—in the pulpit of the progressive, LGBT-friendly Los Angeles synagogue she helped found, Congregation Kol Ami of West Hollywood, or organizing for economic equality or LGBT rights. Other times, she says, her work is about reaching “across race and class lines to work together to change the direction of this country.”
To be sure, issues of sexuality and gender are still on the agenda – literally and figuratively. This year, the CCAR is set to adopt a new resolution on the “Rights of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals.”
“When you look back at the history of the Reform movement in our conventions in particular,” Eger said, “you can see the passions rabbis bring – from helping the wave of Jewish immigrants, Reform Jews who helped get those Jews settled, to marching for Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act – both crafted in a Reform Judaism room.”
Yes, goyim. We brought you all of these joys, we made your society so much better. Tikkan Olam, goyim pigs. We are healing the world. No need to thank us. We do it out of the goodness of our hearts. This is why God chose us as his chosen ones.