Eagles of Death Metal Singer Says Paris Attacks were a Conspiracy

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 11, 2016

Jesse Hughes, the lead singer of Eagles of Death Metal, the band which was playing at the Bataclan theater when it was attacked by hajis last year, has come out on Fox News and forwarded a theory that the security team at the theater was in on the attack.

Conspiracy theories about Moslem attacks are regularly forwarded by Jews and the Moslems themselves in order to deflect blame and defend the program of Islamic immigration. That said, a lot of people fall for these theories. Probably, the guy had a pretty hard time dealing with the event psychologically and emotionally, then got to reading this stuff on the internet.

Jesse Hughes is a cool guy though. A Trump supporter. Never heard the music.

Got serious drug problems though. Says he does huge amounts of speed. This is definitely associated with conspiracy theories and paranoia in general.