Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 26, 2014

In a political shake-up the likes of which has not been seen in recent history, far right parties dominated the EU elections on Sunday.
As I write, votes are still being tallied, but it is clear that Le Pen’s Front National came in first place in France, and UKIP has won in Britain. This is the first time either party has won an election.
The anti-immigration Danish People’s Party came in first in Denmark.
In Greece, the Golden Dawn came in at third, with 10% of the vote. Jobbik in Hungary did not make any gains, but held their 14%. The Sweden Democrats took 10%. In Germany, the NPD won its first ever seat, with Merkel’s party getting less votes than they’ve ever gotten.

While Le Pen celebrated, Hollande declared her victory a “crisis.”
“The sovereign people have spoken … acclaiming they want to take back the reins of their destiny,” party leader Marine Le Pen said in a statement. She called the results “the first step in a long march to liberty.”
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, in an impassioned televised speech, called the National Front win “more than a news alert … it is a shock, an earthquake.”
French President Francois Hollande’s office announced he would hold urgent talks first thing Monday with top government ministers in what French media called a crisis meeting.
Grumpy Mr. Griffin
Nick Griffin was grumpy over the UKIP victory. He also lost his seat and blamed Farage, before getting punched in the face. He had some worthwhile comments after his loss, however.

He told Sky news that those who had switched allegiance from the BNP to Ukip would be disappointed: “I’ve lost count of the number I’ve spoken to who say, ‘We really like the BNP but we are voting Ukip because there is more chance they will stop immigration and send them all home’,” he said.
“As there is not a hope in hell of that, people are going to be very disappointed when they find out what Ukip really stands for and that huge vote is going to come back to us.
“Most of the voters are what the liberal elite call ‘racist’ – they want immigration stopped for good, the whole lot of them. They think they are going to get that with Ukip. They are not.”
Griffin departed with a warning that the “people are waking up” as other anti-immigrant groups scored victories across the EU. He declared that the victory of the Front National in France was “good news” and drew a comparison with the rise of Ukip in Britain.
“While Front National is nearly as soft as Ukip, such votes show the people are waking up. Real change will follow,” he said. Two men were arrested for breach of the peace after trying to punch Griffin as he arrived at the election count, Greater Manchester police said.
This is a point we have continually pushed here on the Daily Stormer: though Front National and UKIP may not be as hardcore as we would like, their rise signals a sea change in the minds of the folk.
Griffin also said that Farage is against the Polish immigrants, but wants the UK to be flooded with non-Whites, which I believe is a conspiracy theory.
I would have liked to have seen Griffin keep his seat, but the energy behind Ukip was just too great. Griffin would do well to just go ahead and see if Nigel will let him join.
UKIP represents the will of the British people, in this time of greatest turmoil, and Farage was a big enough figure to light the fire.
Farage said the result justified the description of an earthquake because “never before in the history of British politics has a party seen to be an insurgent party ever topped the polls in a national election“.
He claimed voters had “delivered about the most extraordinary result that has been seen in British politics for 100 years and I am proud to have led them to that.” The Ukip leader predicted that as a consequence: “We may well see one party leader forced out of his position and another to reconsider his policy of opposition to a referendum on Europe, and David Cameron will have to take a much tougher negotiating stance. It is now not beyond the bounds of possibility that we hold the balance of power in another hung parliament.“
Golden Dawn Rises
The Golden Dawn’s 10% is phenomenal, given that they have been constantly attacked by the media – really, on a 24/7 loop – ever since people started paying attention to them, and their leader is presently in prison on fake charges.

Unlike the other victors, Golden Dawn does not care about appearances, and simply tells it how it is, every time. Their brand of nationalism is clearly the only workable one in the long-term if Europe desires to save itself, but the softer parties are paving the way for this type of system to be workable.
Syriza, a leftist party who shares many of the Golden Dawn’s positions on the EU’s devastating effect on the Greek nation. Syriza will definitely sell-out, and then the people who oppose the sanctions against Greece will have no choice but to vote Golden Dawn in the next round of national elections, which may take place next year.
Forward, March
As is the case with democracy, poor, confused and stupid people were all allowed to vote, so despite the massive gains of the right wing, mainstream parties still technically control the parliament, so the anti-EU members won’t be able to simply shut it down and reclaim their national sovereignty on Monday morning.
Still, the importance victory cannot be overestimated.
We have witnessed the cracking dawn of a New Age.