Eat. Pray. Get Raped and Die: Leftist Whore Murdered by Indian Boyfriend in Goa

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
March 27, 2017

The two most dangerous lifestyles are: touring with Ozzy Osbourne circa 1978, and being a globe-trotting hipster/SJW whore in 2017.

Traveling to all the world’s toilets on daddy’s credit card is a popular pastime for white women with elite parents. The beaches of Goa, in India, are a popular destination for this type. They go there under the guise of taking in the ancient traditions and nature as enlightened bohemians, but are really attracted to the anonymous sex, getting high, fawning attention from locals and procuring lots of really interesting looking pictures to upload on Instagram.

Most of the time, the young female tourists restrict their sexual wanderlust to fellow visitors, usually a white guy in dreadlocks whose angle is playing a ukulele and passing out really strong drugs. In other cases, they sleep with local men then bring exotic STDs home, or tease their cocks in exchange for free drugs or to trips to cool places only locals know about.

For young white women in Goa, aside from the hazard of being ankle deep in feces, the prospect of being raped and killed is alarmingly high. Here is the latest case.

Daily Mail:

The man suspected of murdering a British backpacker in Goa has been escorted to a police station with a bag over his head, as authorities confirmed the 28-year-old was raped before her death.

Danielle McLaughlin was found in a pool of blood on Tuesday morning after she had attended Holi celebrations at Palolem beach. Her killer reportedly sexually assaulted her and ‘disfigured’ her face with a beer bottle.

A local man, 23-year-old Vikat Bhagat, who police said was a known thief, has been arrested on suspicion of murder and is said to have made a confession.

Witnesses who were with Danielle the night before she was found dead have since revealed she was pulled away from them by five locals she said she knew who told her: ‘You’re with us, remember?’

It comes as chilling CCTV footage emerged showing the final movements of 28-year-old Danielle – and a man believed to be Bhagat following her down a road.

The night before she died, Danielle had met some British tourists at Palolem.

One of them, Dave Woodruff, 37, said she was ‘free-spirited’ and ‘really interesting’ but that a group of about five local men ‘would pull her back and say, “You’re with us, remember?”

A post mortem on Danielle has revealed that she was strangled to death later that night and it also confirmed she had been sexually assaulted. Two pathologists revealed that she had died as a result of a compression of the neck and their report has been passed to police.

She had been at the La La Land restaurant in the Dreamcatcher resort at about 5.30pm on Monday afternoon and was reportedly seen sitting with two or three men and was not drinking.

A local said: ‘We didn’t pay her much attention as it is a common sight to see foreigners with Indian men. The area is very popular with tourists.’

But she is believed to have then left with Bhagat and drank at several bars before reportedly heading to the Leopard Valley nightclub.

Bhagat appeared in court again today and was remanded in custody for seven days. More charges are expected following the post mortem results today.

On February 22 Ms McLaughlin revealed she was ‘off on another adventure’ to Goa.

According to E. Michael Jones, the explosion in cell phone streamed Jewish pornography to India has caused the national rate of sexual violence to skyrocket. This is especially true when they see white women like the ones in their movies, which turns them feral.

(((Who))) would cultivate this appetite in brown men of low intelligence? (((What kind of person))) would follow that up by encouraging white women to be in the same vicinity as them alone and under the influence of drugs and alcohol? We all know who’s behind the porn, but it is the reviews for books romanticizing the third world as places for white women to “find themselves” like Eat, Pray, Love that inspire feeble minds to go on these adventures. It is people like (((Lev Grossman))) and (((Lori Leibovich))) who gave their “prestigious” stamp of approval and made Elizabeth Gilbert’s ode to hyper-narcissism a national sensation.

Danielle McLaughlin is just one of countless others.

In 2008 a 15-year-old British girl was vacationing in Goa by herself and was found dead floating in the water. The local Indian municipality tried to chalk it up as a drug overdose, but it is believed that she too was raped and murdered. When reading about this, I asked myself, “what kind of nimrod single mom would let her 15-year-old daughter go off to a dangerous third world country to smoke hashish, get wasted and have casual sex?”

This kind of nimrod single mom:

The Daily Mail goes into other cases that are parallel to this one. Every year, scores of European tourists – especially women – overdose or die doing stupid shit in Goa.

But the solutions to this problem are all the same worn out cliches:

‘Goa will not be safe until there is stiffer punishment for rapists and a change in attitude from men.’

Obviously both rape and murder are detestable crimes, but so is being a rootless anti-white feminist. In a sense, I don’t blame these Indians for being angry at some trust-fund babies coming to their country to fetishize it and turn their culture into a novelty for virtue signaling about what non-racist global citizens they are.

If you don’t want to get raped and killed, don’t get high and drunk around non-white men. Stay home and start a family with a normal man instead. The world doesn’t live in fear of “female empowerment” no matter how many tattoos, worthless college degrees and piercings you have. Some of the Indians in Goa don’t have the intellectual means to play along with the irrational illusion.

Men are stronger than women. Men have stronger sexual impulses than women. Non-whites are more likely to use this natural power over you, no matter how much you can lecture them about “deconstructing gender binaries.” Stop playing stupid games, put on some damn clothes, and rally behind the Aryan man – we, and the Western civilization we built, are the only thing preventing you from becoming a violated corpse floating in very dirty water.