Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 25, 2019
This concept of the degradation of all forms of art under the current Jewish regime is of interest to me as of late.
It was interesting to the Nazis a long time ago, of course. But I grew up in a time of already degraded Jewish art, and now I’m looking at something so, so much worse, and this is fascinating.
I wrote earlier today about the interesting problems facing Star Trek: Discovery. Following this theme, a “French Arab” just screened a 3.5-hour porno film at Cannes.
Just when you think you’ve seen it all before, director Abdellatif Kechiche goes and drops something as toxically indulgent as “Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo,” a three-and-half-hour-long provocation that will now make the “Blue Is the Warmest Color” director the most talked-about man on the Croisette once again — and not in a good way.
This essentially narrative-free sequel to 2017’s “Mektoub, My Love: Canto Uno” (still unreleased in the U.S., and boy this latest venture is not going to help things there) takes the already sporadically clothed cast of that previous film, plops them onto a beach for the initial 30 minutes, moves them to a club for the subsequent three hours, leers at every crevice of their bodies along the way and then calls it a day.
As if stung by ethical questions regarding the acrobatic bedroom feats in “Blue Is the Warmest Color” and the openly expressed concerns about how much of the onscreen action was simulated, here he leaves no room to question, staging a 12-minute-long bathroom-floor cunnilingus sequence that goes out of its way to prove its authenticity. Just what does this resoundingly pornographic break offer the larger film in terms of theme? Who can really say, but it will sure rile the prudes and tut-tutters.
A cunnilingus scene will “rile the prudes”?
Who are these prudes?
Was this screening attended by the Amish?
Because I guarantee you, anyone with an internet connection has seen that particularly dastardly act more times than they can count.
Just imagine being so out of touch that you think that’s edgy.
This is “how do you do, fellow kids?” tier cringe disconnect.
Basically, at this point, the only way a liberal could rile any prudes is with child rape and/or child murder. Which is what Lars von Trier tried to do with The House That Jack Built at Cannes last year. And yes, people did walk out – so it was a better attempt than that of Kechiche. But it also got a standing ovation.
There simply are not anymore prudes who are offended by sex and violence, and watching these people continue to pretend that there are is disgusting and pitiful.
Who is actually riling the prudes?
I’m not even self-tooting my horn here.
I’m simply stating as a matter of absolute fact that me and my people are the only people on earth who have proven capable of emotionally upsetting people with comedy in the current year.
This is just the truth of the matter.
The new prudes delight in the obscene, because the obscene is the new virtue.
I mock the new virtue, and this results in hilarity and political persecution on a global scale.
If you break down everything I have ever done on this website, it comes down to mocking things that are held sacred by the new class of priests. And the laugh well is bottomless.
The part that is so pitiful is that these people who delight in the acts of Sigmund Freud, Herbert Marcuse, Lenny Bruce, Jack Weinberg, Jackie Goldberg, Abbie Hoffman, Alan Ginsburg, Al Goldstein and all of the other Jewish provocateurs who, generations ago, pushed the limits of what was considered acceptable by society are totally incapable of recognizing the irony that they are now hunting me down for offending their fragile sensibilities.
In fact, the total lack of humor being demonstrated by a people who mocked Western civilization to death is the funniest joke of all.
You see, the Jews who pushed obscenity were doing a joke where the punchline was the reaction from those it offended. As evidenced by this “prude-riling” porno film, they are somehow still trying this joke, even though it is no longer possible to make it funny because no one is offended by obscenity anymore.
I am doing the same joke, and it is so very much funnier, because the reaction of the Jews is more outrageous and irate than the reaction of any conservative white Christian ever could be.
Triggering people into embracing puritanical obscenity is brilliant and I applaud myself.
History will remember my art as having been done much better than anything these Jews ever did.