Editing Photos to Distort Historical Reality

Daily Stormer
November 11, 2013

One of the most well-known photo’s from the Hitler era is this one of a woman crying while making the German salute. This photo is published very often, including on the  Wikipedia article on the German ‘occupation’ of Czechoslovakia.

The one we see.
The one we see.
The original.
The original.

This picture creates the impression that the woman isn’t happy at all with the German takeover of the Sudetenland. That is the impression that the people who show us only this part of a much larger picture want to give us.

Most of the original picture is actually cropped out, leaving us with only the crying woman. Next to this woman we see another woman with a neutral facial expression and a third woman who is obviously extremely happy. Imagine for a moment Wikipedia only showing us the smiling woman. It would give us a totally different understanding of the reunification of Sudetenland.

A second look at this picture tells us even more. We can see some people in the background. Apparently one didn’t have to line up and cheer the German troops. If the crying woman really was so sad, why did she watch the parade at all? Why didn’t she stay at home to cry? It is more likely that she is crying tears of joy!

Some background information:

  • Sudetenland had some 3,200,000 Germans and 750,000 Czechs.
  • The Allies broke the Versailles treaty by denying these Germans the right of self-determination.
  • Czechoslovakia was an artificial state that had only been created in 1918. This was just 20 years before the return to Germany. The majority of the 3.2 million Germans hadn’t been born in “Czechoslovakia”, but in Austrian Silesia.
  • After Sudetenland had come heim ins Reich, Poland and Hungary also took over parts of Czechoslovakia. I bet you didn’t learn that at school. Imagine, innocent and peace-loving Poland!
  • After the fall of Communism the artificial state was spit up again into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

As this picture illustrates, Wikipedia and other mainstream, Jewish-controlled media don’t give us the whole picture. No, they crop out the parts that are inconvenient. That’s how they shape the public opinion of the lemmings.

Just look at this video of Hitler and the German troops arriving in Sudetenland and judge for yourself if the crying woman is a fair representation of this moment in history.


Ye Olde Photoshoppe: Soviet Anti-Nazi Propaganda Fakes