Editor’s Note: Duane Pohlman Says He’s Not Jewish

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 3, 2015

Duane Pohlman claims he is shabbos goy.
Duane Pohlman claims he is shabbos goy.

The terrorist Duane Pohlman of NBC4i claims that he is not Jewish.

I reported that he was Jewish, and it is important to me not to get these things confused. My understanding that he is Jewish was based on records of people with the same name in the Columbus, Kentucky and Austin (all places Pohlman has lived) areas being associated with Jewish organizations. Pohlman’s wife also have a very characteristically Jewish name.

Typically in America, you would expect “Pohlman” to be a Jewish name, however, it is also German. I am willing to give Pohlman the benefit of the doubt that he is not Jewish until definitive information proving otherwise comes to light.

I sincerely apologize for the confusion (that is an apology to the reader, who may have been misled – not to Pohlman the terrorist).

Several people are looking into Pohlman’s background, and we are sure to know for certain very soon whether or not he is lying about being Jewish. The first thing I thought when I heard him say “I am not Jewish” is that he was not religiously Jewish, perhaps because only his father was ethnically Jewish.

(I once met a girl who told me she was from Israel then told me she wasn’t Jewish but a Brazilian Catholic. After having talked to her for a while under the impression she was not a Jew, she eventually said her father was a Sephardic Jew, but continued to claim that she had nothing Jewish about her.)

The claim he's not a Jew, posted on his Facebook (later deleted).
The claim he’s not a Jew, posted on his Facebook (later deleted).

There will be updates on Pohlman and the operation against him very soon.