Egyptian MP Says Female Genital Mutilation Necessary to Manage Women’s Libido

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2016


We are continually being told that the cartoonishly barbaric practices of Moslems represent only a tiny portion of their populations and are not widely accepted. This is obviously wrong on the face of it, but here’s a pretty good example.

An Egyptian MP is calling for women to accept genital mutilation in order to lower their sex drives.

Real thing.

This guy is an elected official in one of the allegedly more developed Arab states.


A member of Egyptian parliament called on women to agree to female genital mutilation, or FGM, in order to “reduce their sexual appetites,” local media reported. He also allegedly cited Egyptian men’s high rate of consumption of sexual stimulants.

Elhamy Agina, also in hot water in June this year after comments suggesting that women should dress more modestly in the Egyptian parliament, this time openly defended the procedure of female genital mutilation, a centuries-old tradition common in many African states. The procedure requires the intentional removal of some or all female external genitalia for non-medical reasons.

The ‘operation’ is often conducted by a charlatan healer on girls while they are still toddlers using a razor blade and no anesthetic.

We are a population whose men suffer from sexual weakness, which is evident because Egypt is among the biggest consumers of sexual stimulants that only the weak will consume,” Agina reportedly said, as cited by Parlmany news outlet.

“If we stop [female genital mutilation], we will need strong men and we don’t have men of that sort,” the MP allegedly declared.

He also suggested that it would be better for women to undergo the procedure as it “reduces a woman’s sexual appetite” and women must “stand by their men” so that Egyptian husbands and wives live in concord.

The ritual procedure, dating back thousands of years, is still widespread in Egypt, despite having been outlawed in 2008 with Article 242 of the Penal Code criminalizing the practice. Last week, Egypt’s cabinet approved a bill which increases jail terms for people who perform FGM and those who escort girls to the practice.

Despite the legislation, though, FGM is still performed in Egypt behind closed doors and often in unsanitary conditions. According to the country’s Health Issues Survey (EHIS) conducted in 2015, some nine in 10 women aged from 15 to 49 have been subjected to the procedure, mostly those living in rural areas or having lower levels of education.

And of course, they continue to do this when they come to our countries. In Britain, it is an epidemic.

And they will do it to your little half-breed granddaughters, White man.

Our culture is being replaced with what is absolutely the most barbaric and primitive culture which has ever existed.