Daily Stormer
November 1, 2015
I’m trying to think of a response and… I just can’t come up with anything.
A talk show that aired this week on Egyptian station al-Rahma TV includes a segment in which the host and a guest agree that burning is the only solution for Jews. The clip was translated and posted Friday by the US-based Arabic media watchdog MEMRI.
The show’s guest, Islamic history professor Yusri Ahmad Zidan, tells host Muhammad Khaled that the Crusaders — primarily European Christian fighters who traveled to the Holy Land in the Middle Ages to reclaim it from Muslim rule — sold Jews into slavery during their campaigns in the Middle East.
“The history of the Jews has been black since the dawn of time,” Khaled continues. “Nebuchadnezzar burned them, the Crusaders burned them, and even Hitler and Nazism burned them. Is burning the only solution for the Jews?”
“So it seems. So it seems,” Zidan replies.
Wow not even the Times of Israel attempts to explain why this shouldn’t happen.
We should start by making a list of reasons not to burn the Jews…