Eighteen Years for Black Cannibal Who Ate Victim’s Heart with Knife and Fork to Prove He Wasn’t Gay

Daily Mail
May 2, 2015

Andrew Chimboza admitted overpowering his victim and then tearing his heart out and eating it in front of him.

A murderer who ate his victim’s heart with a knife and fork in a bizarre bid ‘to prove he wasn’t gay’ has been jailed for 18 years in South Africa.

Zimbabwean Andrew Chimboza pleaded guilty to stabbing 62-year-old Mbuyiselo Manona to death at the home of Manona’s lover in Cape Town’s Gugulethu township in June last year.

When officers arrived at the scene they found the 35-year-old ‘busy eating’ Mr Manona’s heart

Mr Manona had reportedly accused Chimboza of having sex with his partner , News24 said, and had attacked the younger man in a fit of rage.

But Chimboza apparently overpowered him – allowing him to commit the horrendous crime.

‘I then took a knife and slit his throat and continued to stab him,’ Chimboza told Cape Town High Court in February.

When police arrived they found him stuffing his face with fresh Negro heart.

‘I was so angry that I did not remember how many times I stabbed him or where.’

In a statement read out at an earlier hearing, Chimboza shed more light on the shocking killing.

‘I sit upon him and stabbed him on the chest, tore out his heart and took a knife and then sliced his heart and then I ate his heart,’ he said.

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