Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 23, 2015

Bad news, goyim pigs!
Taco master and Cuban criminal Marco Rubio – known by most as “El Capitán Fiesta” – is leading the current gaggle of Jew-loving shills in the race for the Republican Presidential nomination!

Enjoy your cake, goyim!
The Florida senator, who formally announced his presidential bid earlier this month, got the support of 15% of likely GOP primary voters, a Quinnipiac poll released Thursday showed, putting the 43-year-old freshman on top of a growing field of contenders.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush came in second in the poll, with 13%, while Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker came in third, with 11%.
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie rounded out the top six, with 9%, 8% and 7%, respectively.
Rubio, however, also fared the best of all the prospective GOP 2016 candidates against presumptive Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, the poll showed.
Clinton bested all possible Republican competitors by wide margins, except Rubio, whom she led 45% to 43% — within the poll’s margin of error.
Coincidentally (I assure you), Rubio is also scheduled to win the support of Uber-Jew rat Sheldon Adelson.
Before Iowa and New Hampshire, GOP candidates are competing in the Sheldon Adelson primary, and some will travel to his posh Venetian hotel in Las Vegas this weekend in hopes of winning it. But one candidate — Marco Rubio — has emerged as the clear front-runner, according to nearly a half-dozen sources close to the multibillionaire casino mogul.
In recent weeks, Adelson, who spent $100 million on the 2012 campaign and could easily match that figure in 2016, has told friends that he views the Florida senator, whose hawkish defense views and unwavering support for Israel align with his own, as a fresh face who is “the future of the Republican Party.” He has also said that Rubio’s Cuban heritage and youth would give the party a strong opportunity to expand its brand and win the White House.
This is such a sick joke. The Republicans are literally refusing to run a populist anti-immigration candidate, and thus are admitting failure before the show even starts. What is weird is the amount of energy Israel is putting into an obviously already decided race, while Jew Adelson is basically sabotaging them by ensuring a pro-immigration candidate.
Obviously, a pro-Israel candidate could be anti-immigration.
This having been accepted, if Scott Walker goes full-Nazi on immigration, as he appears to be possibly doing, I will support him. And he isn’t even that pro-Jew.

Nah, I’m messing with you. He is completely pro-Jew, and is right now preparing to travel to Israel to put on a kippah and beg his masters for the right to run his own country.
Still, the fact is, we are bleeding from the jugular on this immigration issue, and if this isn’t stopped, in a decade we won’t even remember what a Jew is, and Jews won’t be particularly relevant as we are standing in food lines hoping not to get attacked by feral apes and robbed of our cheap but super high-quality electronic gadgets.
So, yeah. I’ll tell people to vote Walker if he takes the Sessions position on immigration.