Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 14, 2015

Marco Rubio, who is generally known by his formal and official title “El Capitán Fiesta,” recently announced a plan to gain control of America so that he could hand it over in its entirety to his Mexican brethren. To back up his insane Presidential bid, he has forwarded a plot to nuke Iran for no reason. He says the deal must be cancelled if Iran doesn’t recognize Israel.

“There should have been a clear recognition on their part that Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state,” Rubio said, of Iran’s concessions in negotiations. “And that has to be a precondition?” asked Fox News’s Hannity. “But in the middle of negotiations, if they’re saying the destruction of Israel is nonnegotiable, is thatshould that be a deal killer?” “Oh, absolutely,” said Rubio, “because again, this is a country that’s made clear that they want to destroy a strong ally of the United States.”
By claiming that Iran must recognize Israel in order to not get nuked, while obviously knowing Iran won’t do that and there is no logical reason for them to have to, El Capitán Fiesta is effectively saying “la única posibilidad es que pongamos una guerra nuclear en estos antisemitas malvados.”