Elderly Dog-Walker Left in Pool of Own Blood After Savage Attack by Non-White Barbarians

December 10, 2014

The attack took place in Wardown Park, Luton.

A pensioner was fighting for his life today after he was punched and kicked to the ground in a savage attack while out walking his dog.

The 78-year-old was punched and kicked to the ground and left in a pool of his own blood after taking a stroll near a lake in Wardown Park, Luton.

He was set upon by three Asian teenagers who attacked him and left him lying unconscious.

Bedfordshire Police have launched an investigation.

He was left in a pool of his own blood near a lake in Luton.

Detective Sergeant Tom Hamm said: “The victim is in a stable condition in hospital having suffered a fractured jaw and a bleed to the brain.

Three non-White brats attacked him and left him there unconscious.

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