Elderly German Woman Denies the Stupid Jew Hoax on TV!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 17, 2015

Ursula Haverbeck, an elderly German lady, has perhaps changed the course of history by denying the stupid Jew hoax on German television.

She described the hoax as a “sustainable lie in history.”

The question here is: is Germany going to have the nerve to send this old woman to prison?

She has made similar statements before, as well as insulted Jews repeatedly, but she has always just been fined for this thoughtcrime. However, after Ernst Zundel and Sylvia Stolz there is now a precedent of imprisonment for these statements, and if the Jews wish to keep their stranglehold on free speech in Germany, they are obligated to put the 87-year-old in prison.

Will they have the nerve?

It is good for us either way. If they don’t, they lose their precedent, and if they do, the whole world sees they bullying an old woman and throwing her in prison for her beliefs.

Though we all will be praying Ms. Haverbeck is not forced into a cage at her age, that would truly demonstrate beyond any question the sheer viciousness of the Jews.