Elderly White Man Almost Didn’t Survive Sneaky Black Coward Knockout Attack

June 16, 2015

Steven Wall was just standing outside a store when the ape snuck up to him and punched him fully in the face.

An elderly man says he almost did not survive an unprovoked attack that was caught on video.

Police are offering up to a $5,000 reward for information leading to an arrest.

It happened May 14, but it has taken this long because the victim only recently got out of the hospital and was healthy enough to talk police.

Surveillance video show 67-year-old Steven Wall standing outside a store when he gets punched in the face. The impact knocked him right off his feet.

Wall told our sister station KENS-TV he turned around to look at his attacker just before the blow when the attacker threw a phone on the ground.

The cowards punch lifted the White man right up off the ground and knocked him out.

“He did say, ‘What are you looking at?’ And I said, ‘Nothing.”‘

Wall said he went to the Wal-Mart\ to get dog biscuits and deodorant. When he woke up, he was at the hospital in ICU.

“They almost lost me twice,” said Wall. “They took the paddles to me two times. I was read my last rites.”

He said he went from being part of the welcoming committee at his assisted living facility before the attack, to needing a walker to get around after the attack.

Now, a nurse to checks on him every two hours, and he’s on a liquid diet. He said the worst thing was being in ICU and finding out his service dog, Gus, died.