Elderly White Woman Carjacked and Beat by Black

Daily Stormer
December 4, 2015


At least they’re good at picking victims. Gotta give em that.


An elderly woman brutally attacked during a carjacking in Jeffersonville is speaking out for the first time.

The woman, 82, was attacked and pulled from her vehicle at East Lawn Arms Apartments. She suffered injuries and was in intensive care.

One week later, the woman is now recovering at home and is still shaken from the event.

She says her attacker beat her and stole her purse.

Jeffersonville Police are still searching for the man who is responsible for the crime. Detectives were able to track down photographs and surveillance of a man using the victim’s debit card at two locations in Louisville.


A man accused of carjacking an 82-year-old woman in Jeffersonville appeared before a judge on Thursday.

Christopher Gregory hid his face from WHAS’s cameras.

He’s charged with second degree robbery, meaning that he allegedly used force.

Police say that on November 12 Gregory stole the woman’s purse, debit card and car, before pulling her to the ground.

The victim was hospitalized and had injuries on her upper body and arm. She is still recovering.

Gregory is due back in court in January.