Elderly White Woman Seeks Damages After City Hands Fraudulent Deed to Her Home to Black Squatter

NY Post
August 25, 2015

Jennifer Merin almost lost her family home to the scheming Negro squatter.

A woman whose Queens home was allegedly stolen by a scheming squatter says her nightmare never would have happened if bone-headed city bureaucrats hadn’t given him a fraudulent deed — and now she wants the city to pay up, court papers show.

Jennifer Merin, 71, is seeking nearly $600,000 for the debacle, including the $400,000 in property that ex-con Darrell Beatty stole from her family home while living there, her Manhattan Supreme Court suit says.

Darrell Beatty used his Black privilege to get the city to accept his forged deed transferring the house into his name.

“[The city] was negligent in the way in which they allowed the deed to be registered,” a bitter Merin told The Post on Friday. “There was no indication that any of those signatures were related to my family or the property.”

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