Election Day Bibi: “There Will be No Palestinian State”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2019

The election is today.

Bibi must be worried he’s going to lose.

He is just going all out, this guy.

Against the entire world.


The U.S. is fully aware of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s flat rejection of the creation of a Palestinian state along with his plans to extend Israeli law to West Bank settlements, the Israeli premier said on Monday.

In an interview with Channel 12, Netanyahu pushed back against his main challenger Benny Gantz’s claims that his vow to annex the West Bank was nothing more than an empty campaign promise.

Netanyahu over the weekend historically declared that he fully intends to extend Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank. The incumbent prime minister also said he had told President Donald Trump that would not evacuate “a single person” from the 400,000 or so Jews residing in the West Bank.

Gantz on Sunday said Netanyahu’s statement was “meaningless” and no more than a last-minute bid for Likud to gain the upper hand over Gantz’s Blue and White party.

“Why did it take two years to get recognition of the Golan Heights even with such a friendly president? These things takes time,” said Netanyahu in reference to Trump’s presidential order last month recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

Yeah, he had to wait for Jared Kushner to solidify his complete control over the Trump administration.

These things aren’t taking time anymore.

Now, Jewish agendas are being pushed through like a whirlwind. The Jew machine is moving almost as fast as brown people are streaming across our southern border.

Netanyahu said annexation of the West Bank would happen in three stages and he hoped to do it with “full American support.”

“I discussed [annexation] with representatives of President Trump and I expressed my belief that there is no other option, I think it is also the right move,” he said.

“I was under incredible pressure from the Obama administration — that no prime minister has ever had — to cease construction in the [West Bank] … and yet I withstood them and we continued building and now we will continue,” he said.

Netanyahu also told Army Radio that the Palestinians would not have a state or security control.

“There will be no Palestinian state,” he said, “not like the one people are talking about. It won’t happen.”

Not even Bibi has used this type of rhetoric before, simply because there wasn’t any country on earth that support it – until Donald Trump became leader of America.

The fact that Bibi’s challenger, Gantz, didn’t come out and say he’d also annex the entire West Bank is interesting. I guess he wants to maintain ground with more moderate Jews who understand how insane that sounds, even though he is not really any less hardline than Bibi.

As I’ve said, I don’t think it matters much who wins this election. Because Gantz isn’t a shitlib. He’s a former IDF general who has campaigned on being Bibi without the corruption.

However, the fact that Bibi has such a close personal relationship with Jared Kushner – he’s known him since he was a little boy and used to sleep in his bed – means that replacing him with anyone would slow down the process we’re witnessing of the Trump Administration going completely insane on the Jew issue.

So, I nominally would prefer Bibi not win today.

But there isn’t much on the line.

Trump has said he’s waiting to release his peace plan until after the election, and given these statements by Bibi about literally abolishing Palestine and just annexing the entire territory, Jared is probably going to have to do another draft of it to include that position.

And he will.

Trump will come out with “all Palestinians have to leave Palestine,” and when people ask where they’re supposed to go he will refer them to Angela Merkel.

He can again say “don’t say I never gave you anything, Angela.”