Campus Reform
February 23, 2014

- Events were part of UC-Berkeley’s celebration of National Condom Week.
- Games included condom tossing, “pin-the-tail on the anus.”
A group of elementary and middle school students touring University of California – Berkeley last week were exposed to a man in a giant penis costume and school-sponsored sex games.
“All day long, little kids were prancing by the dental dam demonstrations, sex-themed games of chance, and the guy in the penis suit,” student Claire Chiara said in an interview with Campus Reform Thursday.
The children were led through the campus quad while Berkeley students were playing “pin-the-tail on the anus” and tossing condoms through holes on a poster board meant to represent vaginas and anuses.
There was also a man dressed as a giant penis handing out condoms, although he was not permitted to hand them to the children.
The events were not spontaneous but pre-planned as part of the school’s celebration of National Condom Week.
“Every day of the week, we have kids aged 6-18 touring our school, which is fantastic — but not during the National Condom Week,” Chiara said. “It was poor planning on the part of the Tang Center to put up the Sex Ed tent in front of Sproul Hall, as that is the most popular spot on campus for tour groups to stop.”