Elizabeth Warren has Her Whore Mouth Shut for Her

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2017

The thing about women is, often times they will totally refuse to shut their whore mouths. In such cases, men are left with no choice but to shut them for them.

NBC News:

Democrats rallied around Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday after the Massachusetts senator was silenced for reading from a 30-year-old letter written by the widow of Martin Luther King criticizing attorney general nominee Jeff Sessions’ civil rights record.

Senate Republicans voted to rebuke Warren after she read from a letter that Coretta Scott King wrote that criticized the civil rights record of Sessions, Trump’s nominee for attorney general and an Alabama Republican, during the lawmaker’s attempted confirmation for a federal judgeship 30 years ago. The 1986 letter said that Sen. Sessions, who was then U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama, had used the “the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens in the district he now seeks to serve as a federal judge.”

The rare move to silence a senator for impugning a fellow member of Congress sparked a #LetLizSpeak social media campaign late Tuesday and prompted a number of Democrats to defend the liberal firebrand and heavily speculated about 2020 presidential candidate.


Yeah, love that.

She’s gotta run.

She should run with that black guy who hates the Jews.

Democratic Sens. Tom Udall, Sherrod Brown and Bernie Sanders all took to the Senate floor reading the King letter Wednesday morning without GOP objection. Aides to Republican leadership say Warren was not punished for simply reading the letter, but for ignoring warnings about being silenced and delivering a disparaging speech that went beyond simply reading King’s words.

Sanders called it “unconscionable and outrageous” that Warren was cut from the debate and called on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to apologize. The marathon debate on the confirmation of Sen. Sessions, which stretched overnight and was ongoing Wednesday, came to a temporary halt Tuesday night when McConnell objected to a speech that the Massachusetts Democrat was giving.

McConnell and other Republicans said Warren violated Senate rules. The rule, No. 19, says senators cannot “directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.”

The Senate voted along partisan lines, 49-43, to admonish Warren, effectively barring her from speaking during the remaining debate on Sessions.

“The senator has impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama, as warned by the chair,” McConnell said on the floor.

“She has been warned multiple times (not just today),” McConnell spokesman Don Stewart told NBC News. “And after additional warning today, she was found in violation of the rule. She appealed the ruling and lost.”


This is what we need to see more of. Women being silenced.

There’s no way they’re going to be able to block Sessions.

This is just them throwing a tantrum like the pathetic little children that they are.