Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
November 17, 2014

Elle Fanning is set to star as a transgender in a disgusting new propaganda film called “Three Generations.” Obviously the Jews have been spending a great deal of their time promoting gender identity disorder as trendy. They are attempting to do the same thing they did with homosexuality in the 1990s only this time with an even more bizarre type of sexual disorder. These themes are being promoted throughout pop culture as the Jews attempt to subvert White European socities to the fullest.
I don’t even know what to say about this, other than the fact that it is an abomination against nature to be promoting a mental illness as some sort of trendy lifestyle choice. Elle Fanning who is obviously growing up to be an attractive young woman should not be helping to promote this vile propaganda. Sadly, she’ll probably get nominated for an Academy Award by choosing to play this role.
The Atlantic even wrote a piece claiming that the transgender community was debating back and forth if having a non-transgender person like Fanning in this role is good. It is hard to believe that this type of conversation is even happening, but unfortunately it is.
Below is a picture of Fanning playing the role of her transgender character. You can barely recognize her. The Daily Mail also has additional pictures of her in character. This should really make everyone sick. It is unbelievable that this type of bizarre filth is being marketed and pushed. Although I couldn’t find out who was financing this project, it is difficult to believe that anyone other than Jews would choose to green light a film like this.