Daily Stormer
May 26, 2014

The suspct’s grandfather was George Rodger, a renowned British photographer who gained notoriety for his gripping wartime shots, Britain’s Telegraph newspaper reported.
George Rodger was one of the first photojournalists to reach the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp after it was liberated — and took iconic photos of Jewish survivors.
He also took photos of mass graves that provide a historical record of the horrors that took place.
The photographer, who went on to help found the Magnum photo agency, told interviewers that he was later haunted by the fact that he spent most of his time at the camp looking for well-composed photos. He died in 1995.
To be fair, the photographs were real, but the meaning of them was distorted. The mass graves, for instance, are shown to be filled with completely emaciated individuals who had clearly died or starvation or typhus, not gassing. Clearly, having been there at the scene, George Rodgers would have been aware of this fact, but went ahead and allowed this photographs to be used to push the fantastical and ridiculous Jewish narrative of six million invisible Jews magically gassed.